You should already have this information. Some of these CAC Enablers will ask for a Keychain Password.This includes built-in Smart Card Readers for the newer OS’s. If you currently have an incorrect CAC enabler installed, you need to uninstall and remove it before getting the correct one. Multiple CAC Enablers can cause your CAC Card reader not to work. Only download and install ONE CAC Enabler.MUST READ IMPORTANT INFO BEFORE YOU BEGINīefore you get started downloading and installing your CAC Enabler, there is some information that you need to be aware of: And some will work for particularly OS’s only. Mac has many different OS’s which means that there are many different CAC enablers. But don’t worry in this handy guide, we’ll walk you through how to install a CAC enabler for Mac and which one to choose. Often, you’ll need to install a CAC Enabler just for your Mac to recognize the hardware. When it comes to installing your new CAC reader onto your home computer, there’s a doubt that installing on Mac is much more complicated.